What is the relationship between a Community Vision Plan and the Master Plan?
A Vision is developed with the community for at least a ten year period and sets out the community aspirations and goals. The Master Plan is developed by Council and is a more detailed document regarding specific strategies and actions.
The Master Plan is informed by the Community Vision Plan and sets out strategic objectives and strategies for achieving Council’s and the Community’s aspirations.
How did the Town design the Engagement Process?
To assist in designing the community engagement the Town has a consultant, Design Workshop, identify the scope of engagement, key themes to be included in the community engagement activities, strategies for reaching groups that don’t often participate in engagement processes and suggested engagement activities.
Who will be involved in the engagement?
We are seeking to involve all community members of Telluride, regional residents and visitors.
What will the Community Vision Plan be used for?
The Community Vision Plan is a document produced by the community and owned by the community. It will be used to guide strategic planning and decision making for the future of Telluride.
In particular it will guide Council’s priorities through the development of the Master Plan 2023-2033 and beyond.
What will the engagement activities cover?
We are seeking to understand the current and future needs of our community. Accordingly the range of topics to be covered will be guided by the community. It is expected that there will be many and varied themes explored during the engagement period.
Broad questions will include:
• What would you like our community to look like in 2033?
• How will we live, work and play?
• What needs to change for this to happen?