Future Vehicle and Pedestrian Circulation

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Where did this project come from?

The Telluride Town Council initiated a Conceptual Planning process in 2019 for parcels generally south of the San Miguel River and west of Davis Street. The Southwest Area Conceptual Plan (SACP) identified opportunities for added affordable housing, parking improvements and enhancements for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. Future steps will build upon the recommendations in the Southwest Area Conceptual Plan.

What are the next steps?

The Town Council will be investing in enhancements to the roads and sidewalks, the river trail network and the Mahoney Bridge replacement in the future. The consultants hired for the conceptual plan developed a circulation analysis of the Southwest area to define constraints and opportunities where improvements could be accomplished. The analysis was the basis for design options for improvements to Mahoney Drive, Pacific Avenue, Tomboy Drive, the Mahoney Bridge and the intersection at Colorado Avenue and Davis Street. Town Council will consider feedback from Town residents to guide their future investment decisions.

Pacific Avenue-

At the regular meeting of September 13, 2022, Town Council made a decision to move forward with future enhancement designs for Pacific Avenue, maintaining the existing one-way eastern directional flow. The design will vary for segments of the road but will generally include:

Pacific Avenue visual slide of upcoming improvements. Maintain one-way eastbound, 22 feet of hardscape, new transit drop-off, landscaped enhancements, preserve trees, relocate river trail, pavers and treatments, two-way emergency design.


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Where did this project come from?

The Telluride Town Council initiated a Conceptual Planning process in 2019 for parcels generally south of the San Miguel River and west of Davis Street. The Southwest Area Conceptual Plan (SACP) identified opportunities for added affordable housing, parking improvements and enhancements for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. Future steps will build upon the recommendations in the Southwest Area Conceptual Plan.

What are the next steps?

The Town Council will be investing in enhancements to the roads and sidewalks, the river trail network and the Mahoney Bridge replacement in the future. The consultants hired for the conceptual plan developed a circulation analysis of the Southwest area to define constraints and opportunities where improvements could be accomplished. The analysis was the basis for design options for improvements to Mahoney Drive, Pacific Avenue, Tomboy Drive, the Mahoney Bridge and the intersection at Colorado Avenue and Davis Street. Town Council will consider feedback from Town residents to guide their future investment decisions.

Pacific Avenue-

At the regular meeting of September 13, 2022, Town Council made a decision to move forward with future enhancement designs for Pacific Avenue, maintaining the existing one-way eastern directional flow. The design will vary for segments of the road but will generally include:

Pacific Avenue visual slide of upcoming improvements. Maintain one-way eastbound, 22 feet of hardscape, new transit drop-off, landscaped enhancements, preserve trees, relocate river trail, pavers and treatments, two-way emergency design.


  • SIGN UP to get and stay involved. Your email will be used only to receive updates on any future meeting.
  • SHARE this site with co-workers, family and friends to spread the word.
  • CHECK IN to find project progress, schedules and updates.
  • Future Improvement Options

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    Mahoney Bridge Realignment Design ConceptMap of Bridge at Mahoney and Pacific The bridge at Mahoney and Pacific will need replaced in the not too distant future. This provides a variety of opportunities to improve all types of circulation. The intersection should be realigned to be as square as possible. The capacity of water that can flow under the bridge should be greatly increased from the two existing pipes - improving flood capacity. A surface pedestrian crossing should be incorporated over the river that is seperated from the drive lines. There is also the potential opportunity for a pedestrian underpass, this should be studied when the bridge is designed.

Page last updated: 28 Mar 2024, 02:15 PM